High-yield trade finance to a selected number of Pharma traders/clients, with a repayment period usually not exceeding 90 calendar days.
Our focus is on a small number of clients, which enables us to gain an ever-increasingly deep and time-served knowledge of their businesses. This knowledge allows us to understand and mitigate the risks being taken by the clients and, thereby, by ourselves.
We are a secured lender, receiving an absolute monetary return from the trade margin within a defined period. Our investment is protected through (a) ownership of the goods (b) credit insurance, and (c) a promissory note.
Short term trades.
We buy short term trades (less than 90 days). While yields fluctuate, investors have received on average 1.5% p.m. net.
We operate in a quantitative and qualitative niche which requires specific market access and market knowledge, which is outside of the risk appetite of many banks.
The volumes per trade are too small, and the KYC and DD to which banks are subject are too costly for these relatively small tickets.
The particularly lucrative trades are mostly overstocks or shifted stocks, i.e. stock products which currently cannot be sold quickly by one party and the other are looking for.
Buy and sell decisions and thus the reaction time for interim financing is always concise a few days.
We are in a regulated market, with regulated and pre-set prices, which allow a relatively large margin at the intermediary level.